EC10-40 Pressure Compensator (EC10-40)
A screw-in, cartridge-style pressure-compensating element, intended for use with a remote fixed or variable orifice to yield a three-port (bypass-type), pressure-compensated, flow regulating hydraulic valve.
Product Operation
The EC10-40 maintains a constant flow rate from ➂ regardless of load pressure changes in the circuit downstream of ➂The cartridge maintains a constant differential pressure from circuit point P to
port ➂ (see USASI Symbol), thereby regulating the hydraulic flow rate between the two points in the circuit. The EC10-40 is a priority type regulator, delivering pump
flow fi rst to ➂, then bypassing excess to ➁. All ports may be fully pressurized.
Product Features
• Hardened parts for long life.
• Quiet, modulated response.
• Industry common cavity.
Product Ratings
Operating Pressure: 207 bar (3000 psi)
Flow Rate: 38 lpm (10 gpm) max. regulated; 57 lpm (15 gpm) max. input. EC10-40 inlet pressure begins to rise over compensating pressure when bypass oil exceeds 26 lpm (7 gpm).
Standard Compensator Bias Spring: 5.5 bar (80 psid)
Flow Maintenance: 0.38 to 1.86 lpm (0.1 to 0.49 gpm) settings ±20%; 1.89 to 5.64 lpm (0.5 to 1.49 gpm) settings ± 15%; 5.68 to 37.85 lpm (1.5 to 10 gpm) settings ±10%
Temperature: -40 to 120°C
Filtration: See page 9.010.1
Fluids: Mineral-based or synthetics with lubricating properties at viscosities of 7.4 to 420 cSt (50 to 2000 sus); See Temperature and Oil Viscosity, page 9.060.1
Installation: No restrictions; See page 9.020.1
Cavity: VC10-4; See page 9.110.1
Cavity Tool: CT10-4XX; See page 8.600.1
Seal Kit: SK10-4X-TMB; See page 8.650.1