HPE16-S67C HyPerformance™ Proportional, (HPE16-S67C)
A high pressure, screw-in, cartridge-style, proportional, spring-centered, pilot-operated spool-type hydraulic directional valve.
Product Operation
When the HPE16-S67C is in neutral position all ports are blocked. When the remote pilot signal at 1 exceeds the force of the bias spring, the spool shifts proportionally to the applied pilot pressure to allow flow from 3 to 4 through a load such as a hydraulic cylinder or motor, and from 2 to 5 and to tank. Port 5 is to be used as tank port only with maximum pressure of 69 bar (1000 psi). On remote pilot signal at 6 the spool shifts proportionally to the applied force in the opposite direction, this revers-ing the flow direction. The valve’s spool is symmetrical, providing meter-in and meter-out control.
Product Features
• Hardened spool and cage for long life.
• Cost-effective cavity.
• Excellent metering characteristics.
• Good linearity.• All HyPerformance™ products are tested to the rigorous standards of the NFPA specification T2.6.1.• All HyPerformance™ valves are tested at a verification level of 90% and an assurance of 99%.
Product Ratings
Maximum Operating Pressure: Ports 2, 3, 4: 350 bar (5075 psi) 10% cycle life: 420 bar (6090 psi); Ports 1 and 6 (pilot): 35 bar (500 psi); Port 5 (tank): 69 bar (1000 psi)
Proof Pressure: 690 bar (10000 psi);
Burst Pressure: 1380 bar (20000 psi)
Flow: 95 lpm (25 gpm)
Internal Leakage: 330 ml/minute (20 cu. in./minute) at 350 bar (5075 psi)
Temperature: -54° to 107°C (-65° to 225° F) with PPDI Urethane seals
Filtration: See page 9.010.1
Fluids: Mineral-based or synthetics with lubricating properties at viscosities of 7.4 to 420 cSt (50 to 2000 sus); See Temperature and Oil Viscosity, page 9.060.1
Installation: No restrictions; See page 9.020.1
Cavity: HVC16-S6; See page 9.116.1
Cavity Tool: HCT16-S6; See page 8.600.1
Seal Kit: HSK16-S6U-0000 (Urethane); See page 8.650.1