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Contact usEVDR6 Six-Valve Driver, Universal Input, w/J1939, (EVDR6)
The EVDR6 valve driver provides precise, repeatable control of six on/off solenoid valve coils that draw up to 5 amps each. It also accepts two analog and three digital inputs.
CAN bus communications offer control system networking capabilty and user confi guration.This versatile, multi-function controller is suitable for a wide range of heavy dutyindustrial, marine, and mobile off-highway equipment applications, such as transmission controls, vehicle traction controls, and drive-by-wire control systems.
Product Features
• Microprocessor based control (standard software or OEM software on request).• Standard hardware and software adapts to many applications.• Robust 9 to 36VDC power supply interface with reverse polarity protection.• Six on/off outputs capable of driving 5 amps each.• Two analog confi gurable inputs:5V, 20mA, PWM, Frequency/RPM,or Digital.• Three digital confi gurable inputs:High, Low, or PWM• Thermal overload and overvoltage protection provided.• Rugged IP67-rated packaging with IP69K-rated plug-in connections.• Operational from -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F).• One CAN J1939 port• CAN for networking capability, user configuration and diagnostics.
Product Ratings
POWER REQUIREMENTS:Power Required: 9 to 36 VDCOperating Current: 8 amp maximum loadNon-Destructive Voltage: –32 to +80 VDC
PROCESSING and MEMORY:Motorola Microprocessor: MC56F8346Flash ROM: 128 KByteSRAM: 4 KByteEEPROM: 8 KBytes
All input and output characteristics are confi gurable with ACP (Application Confi guration Programmer).
COMMUNICATION I/O:CAN J1939 — StandardCANopen — Consult Factory
INPUTS:Analog: 2, Confi gurable as: 0 to 5VDC; 0(4) to 20mA; PWM, 0 to 100%, 5KHz maximum;Frequency/RPM, 1 to 65 KHz; 16-bit counter; Digital–HighDigital: 3, Confi gurable as: Digital, High/Low; PWM, 0 to 100%, 5KHz maximum;Frequency/RPM, 1 to 65KHz; 16-bit counter
OUTPUTS:High Side ON/OFF Drivers: 6 Drivers can be confi gured for On/Off, Timed, Pulsed, Duty Cycle
ENVIRONMENTAL RATINGS:Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°CStorage Temperature Range: –50°C to 125°CHumidity Tolerance: 115% of nominal system voltage at 90% relative humidity over operating temperature rangeSalt Spray Tolerance: 115% of nominal system voltage with 5% salt spray for 48 hours at 35°CVibration (Shock-isolated components): 7.4 Grms random vibration from 24 Hz to 2 KHz in three orthagonal planesMoisture Leakage (sealant pressure tolerance): ±0.35 bar (5 psi) against water and water vapor; immersion resistant in 3 ft. (1 meter) of water; meets IP67 standards.Radiated Immunity: 10 V/M; 80 MHz to 1.0 GHzElectrostatic Environment: Zero damage during exposure to electrostatic painting process (IEC 61000-4-2)
Materials:Housing: Thermoplastic with silicone elastomer seals.Contacts: Tin-plated copper alloy.